Hi! I’m Ben and you’ve landed on my personal website somehow. We are currently under development, but open during construction, so come on in!
This is a self-guided tour. Please feel welcome to explore any of the exhibits and share your thoughts, ideas, questions, or concerns through comments on each page or by contacting me. I’d love any feedback around anything that comes up while you’re here, and even just a simple Hi!
And I do offer weekly guided tours of the latest content and happenings, if you’re so inclined to sign up for those:
Here’s the scoop:
I’ll be building this website and my online presence over time and sharing this process right here. I’ll also be sharing the process of building out the online presence for a project my father and I are working on, called In Every Step, which will follow our journey together as it relates to his Parkinsonism.
Mixed in with all the website and web presence stuff I’ll be sharing a variety of experiences, personal projects, and other musings as they relate to me and my life. That’s pretty much it!
Exciting, right?
Ben 2021
Oh. Well, for me it’s enough to get my nerves going and make me want to climb into a virtual shell, but I’ll also experience the thrill of the virtual open road, and that’s what I’m choosing as my driving force. I get that the experience will be different for you, but I hope you find something useful, entertaining, or inspiring in at least one thing I share on this journey. Then it will be well worth it .
Recent Updates
In Every step – Implementation 1.0
The third step in the D.O.I.T. process is Implementation. This is first round of Implementation for my father’s and my website: In Every Step . Crush out the Now Projects with the best resources you’ve got (or can pick up): Suggestion: Choose 1 – 3 projects as prioritized above. Continue keeping up to 3 projects…
In Every Step – Organize 1.0
The second step in the D.O.I.T. process is Discovery. This is first round of Organization for my father’s and my website: In Every Step Organize everything that’s been collected, create projects, and prioritize. Suggested steps: Take everything you’ve got and divide them into:Definite Keepers (we’ll be using these); Someday/Maybe (stash these);Trash (just get rid of…
In Every Step – Discovery 1.0
The first step in the D.O.I.T. process is Discovery. This is first round of Discovery for my father’s and my website: In Every Step Collect everything you want that may apply to this project. Suggestions: Decide where you are on the E(P) Matrix and where you want to go next.Begin with E.M.I.T. — and if…
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More Semi-Recent Updates
Essential A-F
Fundamental considerations as you build your website and beyond …
E(P) Matrix
A map to keep an eye on where you are in your online journey as your website ascends into a holistic online presence in harmony with the real world. …
A starting point that will be an ever-calibrating compass for your online endeavors …
The 4 stages of any significant project (like building a website) …
Overview of Web Strategies
A few strategies around simplifying the processes of building a website and online presence …
Eating Eggs and Decision Making
I’m eating eggs — 2, over easy — and 2 pieces of toast. I’ve also cut and crispied-up a leftover baked potato. These are the lessons learned …
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