Hi there, I’m Ben. It’s my pleasure to welcome you to my website in all of its incomplete glory.
I will be building an online presence, starting with this website, while writing about the process of doing so and my journey as it unfolds in virtual time right here.
Over the years I’ve dabbled in building myself and my company a web presence, but really didn’t do much besides throw together my company website with the usual pages (Services, About, Portfolio, etc.), and maybe make a Facebook page, both of which I never really kept up with… in other words, I never built a true web presence that put me on the map and connected me and my company with others. But I did think about it a bunch, and always thought when I did build and grow my or my company’s web presence, I’d share the journey. So, finally, I’m starting that, so let’s get to it!
Tell me more about this website…
The current idea is to share a few main topics that compile a large portion of my mental space:
- Building web presence, including:
- A presence online around Exercise and Daily Living with my Dad, Bob, who is an amazing, loving, inspiring and resilient man, and who has been diagnosed with a form of Parkinsonism called “Progressive Primary Freezing of Gait”.
- Developing my personal presence as it plays out here on this website and around the web.
- An overarching theme of sharing the ways I’ve picked up that can most effectively empower small businesses to better harmonize their physical business presence with what they share and ways they connect online.
- General Musings, Ideas, Hacks, Methods, Experiences, Personal Projects and other writings around things I think about and enjoy, often being attempts to simplify, systematize, or put words to beautifully complex things… and generally in the form of acronyms, snowboarding/mountain biking analogies, bartending, and sometimes animals and food.
As we start out, my personal web presence is scattered a little across Instagram (barely, not really), Facebook (barely and mostly from 10 years ago), and probably some others I’ve forgotten about. My business website consists of my old business website and a one-page site for my new business that I’ve put very little thought into. So, here we go!
Feedback is welcome and encouraged on all fronts, and I’d love for you to share any comments that come up in that incredible brain of yours (aside from nasty ones, but you wouldn’t leave those anyway — I’m just speaking to those “trolls” online who want to ruin people’s day, those ones will just be deleted, or let’s say cancelled), also just saying Hi! is pretty awesome. Just know that everything here is a work in progress, starting pretty much near the beginning. If you’re reading this post near it’s publish date, this will be very obvious.