A starting point that will be an ever-calibrating compass for your online endeavors
E.M.I.T. stands for Envision, Mission, Intention, and Targets. You’ll notice the first three words are similar in meaning (and are often used in place of eachother). This is intentional to really hone in on the vision you’ll be creating from a few different angles, and to set you up for the last word, the Targets.
This could be a starting point for any endeavor that seeks to serve others (and yourself). In this case, it’s a starting point for building a website, and from there, a web presence. It will act as your compass for your web presence, and is meant to be done quickly at first, then revisited as often as desired.
- Don’t get hung up on this. For the first time around:
- Prepare by keeping it in your mind while you do something you love (i.e. shower, meditate, exercise, cooking, etc.)
- See what you can do with 3-5 minutes for each section, let it flow and write the whole time (you can edit later).
- After the first round, read it, let it simmer for a while, like a day or two.
- Revisit/revise any section as necessary, but don’t spend more than 5-10 minutes on each section at any given time.
- If it feels incomplete, add a symbol to it as a reminder to revisit another day (I use ??).
Whatever the picture in your head is that makes you want to do this, write it down. Right now. Don’t think too much, just put it all down.
What’s your duty in this vision?
What’s the end result?
Who, what, where, when, why, how. Literally.
You’ll notice some of the answers to these have come up in the previous 3 steps, this will give you the tangibles to shoot for.
For example:
- Who do you aim to serve?
- What are you aiming to do?
- Where will you be (online)?
- When will you do it?
- Why are we doing it?
- How are we going to do it?
Wildest Outcome Within
Go deeper and allow the most amazing and wildest outcome to surface, and write it down, all of it… let it just flow, gibberish and all. You can edit later.
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