A map to keep an eye on where you are in your online journey as your website ascends into a holistic online presence in harmony with the real world.
This is something I drew one time, like 10 years ago, and have drawn over and changed again and again in my journal, thinking of ways to simplify the overwhelming idea of building and managing a proper online presence. I’ve never been able to really leave it alone, it keeps coming up in my head, so I’ll be putting it to the test.
The goal of this map is to provide a broad picture of where I am in developing my presence (say, the forest), and where to best focus my energy (the trees) at any given time while moving towards an energized, growing, and powerful community – one that is in harmony with what I’m doing in the real world, connected and actively engaged with other others, and growing my personal and professional brand authentically and effectively.
Below are brief explanations of the terms in the middle section (The P’s), then for each row or column heading (the E’s):
The P’s
The middle section terms, starting from the beginning of the map (bottom left) and leading up towards Power (upper right and beyond)!
Possibility (Minimum Viable Possibility)
This starting block speaks to the endless possibilities that a journey holds, unclear and uncertain. It feels overwhelming here (to me anyway), but the truth is, that’s because they are so many possibilities that could unfold, and there is just no telling what will actually unfold!
This block is the comfortable middle ground, the aim of many people and organizations that don’t see the true power of the web being for them (for one reason or another — money and time are common here), or who don’t necessarily believe they want the responsibility of growing online, perhaps because they feel that it will get in the way of real-world growth (viewing these as separate, rather than aligned).
This is a sufficient place to be. At very least it is a place that will allow the web to do what it does: connect. At best, it is the place to rest, reset, systematize, and find ease in the management of the different moving parts to prepare for the next stage (Power).
Here we are in the place where the web can truly do what it can do. Our web presence has vitality and we’re prepared for growth. The web will drive connection and results exponentially, 24 hours a day, while it also offers efficiency in execution and communication. This is where the power of possibility opens up and gets real.
The E’s
The row and column headings summarized.
Simply being on the web, having a website or some social media going, or both. There’s not always much strategy behind this yet, but it is always the first step.
Getting accustomed to different aspects of the web, and trying different things to see which stick and which don’t. This is play time, with the only rule being “Be Curious and Active”, and the only boundary being to remain within the lines of authenticity.
Reaching out, supporting, connecting with others and welcoming the same in receiving outreach, support, and connection.
Improving upon the learned experiences of experimentation, this is where we focus on higher quality experiences on all meaningful fronts.
Action and excitement is the name of the game here, for both you and your users. Providing channels to connect, inform, and entertain with depth and value enough to be worth others talking about it with enthusiasm.
This is oftentimes the end goal. But, also often, is the desire to jump to this point without having a high-quality, solid foundation that will allow expansion from a place of readiness and relative ease. Expansion on this map supports an active, holistic and harmonious connection between the web and the real world, allowing successful growth and the ability to manage the responsibility that comes with it.
So you don’t have to scroll back up unnecessarily, here’s the map again:

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